U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Web Site
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  Lets Join the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Flotilla 10-7

   We have a lot of fun in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, that's one reason to join. There is a lot to learn, you can be Crew Member, Coxswain, Vessel Examiner, Marine Dealer Visitor and many more. We do safety inspections on the public boats, do patrols and help many public boaters when they break down. We hand out a lot of safety pamphlets.

We attend many public functions such as parades and band concerts and so on. 


This photo is when we were in the Veterans Days Parade in 2008. We got first place in our class for the second year in a row 2008 and 2009. It was a lot of fun for everyone involved.